For all the gusto that is German, my recommendation is to not stand in the way of the Strong Beer Festival taking place in Munich right now. The festival generally starts in mid March during Lent and after the Fasching celebration, and lasts about one month. The epicenter of this “Octoberfest without tourists” celebrations, as the locals call it, is the Paulaner Keller (which can accommodate 5000 revelers), but it is also celebrated in other places around Munich, such as the Lowenbrau Cellar. Strong beer gained its popularity way back when Napoleon rode into town and sold all the monasteries to local businessmen, who sold the monk’s beer. Each of the breweries followed suit and released dopplebock brews, which start at 7.5 percent alcohol. The Paulaner Strong Brew is called Salvator, and it’s strong malty flavor can sneak up on even the most experienced drinkers. But if you are celebrating with a group on locals – I think you will be in good hands.
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