Just Southwest of Munich is a set of five lakes which have become amazingly popular as weekend getaways for Munich residents. Starnberger, pictured here, is the largest and in fact the fourth largest lake in Germany at 21 km by 4 km. We travelled out to Starnbergsee over the weekend, and were amazed to sit outside (yes Spring really is here) overlooking the water for lunch and a few beers with a handful of very friendly locals. Other lakes in the area include Ammersee, Pilsensee, Worthsee, and Osterseen. Most of the lakes are close enough to Munich to be reached by local S-bahn trains, but bring your bike as Starnbergersee has path ways clear around it. Starnbergersee is famous as the location where King Ludwig II was mysteriously found dead in 1886. After deposition as king and being ruled as suffering from Paranoia, King Ludwig walked along the shores of Starnbergersee with one of the psychiatrists that ruled against him. Both were found dead later that night, but with no explanation of death – despite many theories. Today the city of Starnberger and the lake’s claim to fame is as the wealthiest community in Germany, having the most disposable per capita income.
Beautiful photo!! Sehr gut!
I like this one :) Pretty
Hi Troy, I only check with you sporadically but when I do I catch up with all.
I see that you finally found your way to Starnbergerlake! ;-) When we were young (over 30 years ago!) my girlfriends and I used to bring our kids to kindergarten and then bike to exactly this spot, have our picnic of selfmade cake and a thermos of coffee and then bike back to town to pick up our little monsters at noon. Ahhh, the good old days!
Your blog is still the best. I send it regularly to my family and friends and let you speak for me!
Thanks, Eve
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