Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Holy Moly!

Despite my assumption that this was some sort of evangelical church (because of its reference to holy ideas), it turns out that St. Elmo’s is creative agency and advertising firm. I came across it in lower Schwabing, just behind the US consulate. The firm, which was created in 2001, does work for Allianz, BMW, Conde Nast, Lufthansa, and Ludwig Beck. All in all, not a bad client list. This area of town I find fascinating, as you go into these back roads and off the main road of Ludwigstrasse. All of a sudden, it’s quiet and peaceful. There are only about 100-500 meters between the English Gardens and Ludwigstrasse, but it’s amazing how far you are away from the city streets in here. The streets are a strange mix of embassies, art nouveau apartments, university campus facilities, and quiet hideaways.

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