A picture says a thousand words, but perhaps even more when it’s captured and sent from a phone where you can add more words on top of the photo. This image shows some of the close to 10,000 people watching the bag pipes lead off the parade. For the 13th year in a row, the Irish have taking to the streets in Munich for their annual parade – leading down Ludwigstrasse and ending in a bash at Odeonsplatz. The parade was created in 1996 to accommodate the growing Irish population in Munich. But now for the more helpful information in case you missed the festivities. The parade was sponsored by the following Irish pubs around town. The
Irish Folk Pub,
Kilian’s Pub,
Molly Mallone’s, Finnegan’s Wake, O’shea’s, and the
Shamrock Pub.
1 comment:
Wow, I had no idea there was a large contingent of Irish living in Munich. Glad to see the grand turnout of support. Of course Irish beer just might play a small part in this enthusiasm. -:) Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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