There are no shortage of beer steins around Munich. It's safe to say that Munich is certainly one of the hubs of beer stein production, and all for a very good cause. Almost since they started brewing beer in the middle ages, they were making interesting "vessels" to consume it in. Throughout the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, artists made these steins exclusively with the brewers' guilds. But around the turn of the century more than 28 breweries and approx. 1900 pubs realized they had to differentiate themselves, and started making glassware with the Brewery logo. The result is that today there are only 6 major breweries (now all owned by the conglomerates - except for Augustiner), and a scattering of small outfits that arguably make much better and much more authentic beer. This picture, of course, shows more touristy steins than anything else, but I love them because I think they are so much a part of the Bavarian personality. Prost!
they´re so beautiful, i do believe they´re part of bavarian soul. i have one that my aunt, who lived in Germany, gave to me.
hee hee hee
Who ever would have thought that Munich would have beer mugs?!
(just kidding...)
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