Friday, April 4, 2008

ICE, ICE, Baby!

Often considered the pride of Germany, the Ice train links over 32 locations in Germany and travels regularly in excess of 175 miles per hour. In fact, an ICE train set the speed record way back in 1988 at 253 miles per hour. The line between Munich and Augsburg (to the west of Munich) is the busiest in the network with more than 300 trains per day. And unlike it’s neighbors like the TGV (Trains de Grand Vitesse) or the Japanese Shinkansen, the vehicles, tracks and operations were not designed as an integrated whole, but rather integrated into the pre-existing system of railway lines. Unfortunately, a side effect of that legacy is that the trains can only reach full speed on sections of the tracks.


 gmirage said...

Echt cool! We also take this from Nurnberg to Vienna...back and forth. Great shot!

Chuck Pefley said...

Very fast looking train. hmm.. Great photo btw -:)